Ferrer, Gaspard, 40
Finley, John, 157
Fleming, Robert, 11
Forbes, B. C., 58
Ford, Henry, 116, 150, 244–45, 246,
249, 299n.18
Foster, Charles, 120, 154
Foster, John, 35
Frank, Leo, 54
Frank & Gans, 4
Frankel, Lee, 204
Frankfurt (Germany), 1–3, 60, 73, 101,
Frankfurter, Felix, 215, 216
Frederic, Harold, 128
Free immigration. SeeUnrestricted im-
Free loan societies, 60
Free Russia(publication), 128
Free Synagogue, 49, 63
Friedenwald, Harry, 179, 218, 225
Friedlaender, Israel, 104, 232
Friedman, Elisha, 230
Friends for Peace Society, 191
Friends of Russian Freedom, 128, 137,
139, 149
Friesel, Evyatar, 225
Galveston plan, 159–68; immigration
officials opposed to, 166–67; as in-
novative, 62; number of immigrants
using, 167; and Schiff’s relations
with Taft, 147; Zangwill and, 162
German American Jews: on control by
the stewards, 44; and eastern Euro-
pean Jewish immigrants, 45, 84,
106–17; Frankfurt tradition of phi-
lanthropy in, 60; holding on to their
German heritage, 4; as leaders of
Jewish organizations, 42; Sephardic
prejudice against, 108, 120; waves of,
German-American Literary Defense
Committee, 193
German studies, 192, 200
Germany: American Friends of German
Democracy, 201; as birthplace of
anti-Semitism, 193; Frankfurt, 1–3,
60, 73, 101, 192; Kuhn, Loeb lob-
bied by, 192–93; Kuhn, Loeb’s war
financing of, 194; Schiff on postwar
resurrection of, 239; Schiff’s Ger-
man loyalties, 189–97; separate
peace with Russia, 207. See alsoGer-
man American Jews; Hilfsverein der
Deutschen Juden
Gildersleeve, Virginia, 74
Ginzberg, Louis, 46
Goldsmid, Sir Julian, 268n.12
Gompers, Samuel, 122
Gordin, Jacob, 107
Goren, Arthur, 106
Gottheil, Gustav, 91, 220
Gottheil, Richard, 178
Government regulation of business: in
Roosevelt and Taft administrations,
30–32; Schiff on railroad regulation,
19, 22–23; Sherman Antitrust Act,
19, 30
Great Britain: American war loans
sought by, 196; Anglo-Jewish Asso-
ciation, 112, 125, 173, 226; Balfour,
234; National Union for Jewish
Rights, 227; Palestine mandate, 236;
Schiff denies he’s anti-England, 190;
Schiff on the Jews in, 192, 196;
Spring-Rice, 142, 196, 234
Great Northern Railroad, 13–14, 19
Great Revolt (1910), 115
Groton school, 49
Guenzberg, Adolphe de, 207
Guenzberg, Horace, 124, 141
Guenzburg, David, 104
Guggenheim, Daniel, 50, 102
Guggenheim, Simon, 102
Guggenheim family, 6, 24, 212, 253n.17
Haifa Technikum, 183–87
Hall, Prescott, 122
Halukkahsystem, 181, 183
Hamburg-American line, 288n.17
Hammond, John Hays, 149
Hanauer, Jerome, 7
Harriman, Edward H.: Armstrong
306 Index