committee appearance of, 27; dis-
pute with Roosevelt, 21–22; and
South Manchuria Railway, 34–35,
36; and Straight, 36; in Union Pa-
cific affair, 12, 14–22
Harrison, Benjamin, 126, 127, 154
Harvard University: James Loeb affair,
72, 73; Schiff as benefactor of, 72;
Schiff funding German studies at,
192; Semitics Museum, 76–79
Haupt, Paul, 171
Hay, John, 131, 132
Hearst, William Randolph, 122–23
Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asy-
lum, 57
Hebrew Emigrant Aid Society, 85
Hebrew Free Loan Society, 89–90, 108
Hebrew Free School Association, 48, 57
Hebrew language: Ben Yehudah’s lexi-
cography of, 183; in Haifa
Technikum’s “language war,” 184–
87; as official language for Palestine,
231; Schiff on use of, 184, 285n.79;
Schiff’s knowledge of, 2, 100; Zionist
position on, 187
Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid
Society, 219
Hebrew Technical Institute, 90–91,
Hebrew Union College (HUC), 42, 97,
99, 102, 103, 179
Heilprin, Michael, 86, 91
Heinsheimer, Louis, 7
Henry Street Settlement, 91–95; Lower
East Side making use of, 106; as
nonsectarian, 60, 94; Schiff support-
ing, 63
Herzl, Theodor: American Zionists
and, 236; a democratic movement
fashioned by, 177; and Haupt’s
Mesopotamian proposal, 171; pro-
posed meeting with Schiff, 178; and
a Russian Jewish haven, 174; Sinai
negotiations, 169, 172
Higham, John, 201
Hilfsverein der Deutschen Juden: in the
Galveston project, 164; and Haifa
Technikum, 183, 187; in Jewish war-
time relief, 213; and Mesopotamian
settlement, 173; and Schiff’s anti-
Russian campaign, 125; Schiff’s con-
nections with, 47, 112
Hill, James J.: friendship with Schiff,
13–14; Jewish agricultural colony of,
118; in Union Pacific affair, 12, 15–
Hillquit, Morris, 206, 243
Hirsch, Baroness de, 90
Hirsch, Emil G., 41
Hirsch, Baron Maurice de: aid to Rus-
sian Jews, 133; Argentine settlement
project, 160, 169–70; and Cassel’s
conversion, 50; and Haupt’s
Mesopotamian settlement plan, 171;
and immigrant distribution, 119,
120; and problems of world Jewry,
47; on Russian famine relief, 129;
Schiff discussing his Jewish concerns
with, 40; and Schiff’s Mexican settle-
ment plan, 170. See alsoBaron de
Hirsch Fund
Hirsch, Samson Raphael, 2, 50, 100
Hirsch, Solomon, 283n.52
Hoover, Herbert, 239, 240
Horace Mann School, 265n.91
Hospital Saturday and Sunday Associa-
tion, 67
House, Edward, 240
House of Morgan: in “American group”
of banks in China, 37, 38, 39; Japan
supported in Russo-Japanese war,
34; Kuhn, Loeb as second only to,
12, 23–24; Pujo committee focusing
on, 31; in railroad reorganizations,
13; in Union Pacific affair, 14, 16–
17, 18
HUC (Hebrew Union College), 42, 97,
99, 102, 103, 179
Hughes, Charles Evans, 27–28
Hukuang railroad loan, 37, 38
Hyde, James, 26, 28
Hypernationalism, wartime, 201, 203,
Hyphenated Americanism, 190, 199
Index 307