A Study in American Jewish Leadership

(avery) #1

Reform Judaism: as alien to eastern Eu-
ropean immigrants, 98; anti-
Zionism of, 178; Central Confer-
ence of American Rabbis, 42, 175; in
Frankfurt, 2; Hebrew Union Col-
lege, 42, 97, 99, 102, 103, 179; on
the Jewish mission, 81; and Jewish
Theological Seminary, 96–106; on
Judaism as religion not nationality,
47, 175; Schiff as having access to,
45; Schiff as Reform by affiliation,
80; Schiff’s criticism of, 100, 101. See
alsoUnion of American Hebrew
Regulation, governmental. SeeGovern-
ment regulation of business
Restricted immigration. SeeImmigra-
tion restriction
Riis, Jacob, 48, 49
Robertson, Pat, 245
Rockefeller, John D., 63, 93, 246
Rockefeller family, 14, 16, 23, 26
Rockefeller Foundation, 213
Rockhill, William, 147, 148, 149
Romanian Jews, 131, 239
Roosevelt, Theodore: and American
China Development Company, 36;
government regulation of business
under, 30–31; Harriman dispute,
21–22; on immigrant concentration,
160; Japan supported against Russia
by, 134; and Jewish appointment to
Immigration Commission, 157; and
Kishinev petition, 132; at Montefi-
ore sanitarium dedication, 69;
Northern Securities Company suit,
19, 20–21; and Open Door policy,
33; on passport impasse, 151; on Red
Cross discrimination against Jews,
205; and Russian pogroms, 142, 143;
Schiff as lobbyist under, 130–32;
Schiff on, 131; and Schiff’s proposal
on railroad regulation, 22–23; Straus
appointed to cabinet of, 52, 143, 160
Root, Elihu, 131, 138, 146, 149, 207
Rosenwald, Julius: Aaronsohn sup-
ported by, 183; friendship with

Schiff, 59; on Haifa Technikum
board, 184; in Jewish wartime relief,
212; in postwar economic restora-
tion, 239; and Schiff on nationalism,
187; and Woodbine agricultural
school, 119
Rothschild, Baron Edmond de, 171, 220
Rothschild, Lord Lionel, 234
Rothschild, Lord Nathaniel, 135, 141,
172, 178
Rothschild family: and the Balfour Dec-
laration, 297n.125; Dearborn Indepen-
dentattacks on, 245; Kuhn, Loeb’s
ties with, 11; “New Court,” 25;
Schiff family sharing house with, 2;
and Schiff’s anti-Russian campaign,
135, 276n.28; Schiff’s relations with,
47; Zangwill funded by, 166
Rothstein, Adolf, 130
Rubinow, Isaac, 107–8, 122
Russia: American commercial treaty ab-
rogation campaign, 144–52; Ameri-
can Jews opposing in World War I,
195, 196; American loans to, 130;
anti-Semitism in, 47, 126, 138; fa-
mine in, 129; Jewish Territorial Or-
ganization stations closed in, 166;
May Laws of 1881, 126, 130; Miliu-
kov, 207, 208; Plehve, 134, 135–36;
as reservoir of Jewish culture, 225;
revolutions of 1917, 207–9, 242–44;
Root delegation to, 207; Russo-
Japanese entente on Manchuria, 38;
Russo-Japanese war of 1904–5, 33–
34, 134–37; Russo-Turkish War, 58;
Schiff approached for financial help,
198; separate peace with Germany,
207; visas denied to American Jews,
133, 144–45; Witte, 137–39, 140,
142–43, 154. See alsoPogroms; Rus-
sian Jews
Russian Emigrant Relief Fund, 85
Russian Jews: biblical Egyptian Jews
compared with, 124; and the Bolshe-
vik revolution, 242–44; Friends of
Russian Freedom, 128, 137, 139,
149; Galveston plan for, 159–68;

Index 313
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