Schiff, Jacob Henry (continued)
poor, 61; as the “Montefiore of
New York,” 58; philanthropic
principles of, 55–64; philan-
thropy used to break down bar-
riers against Jews, 69–75; on
publicity about charitable contri-
butions, 262n.50; seventieth
birthday contributions of, 59, 69;
social economy chair at Colum-
bia, 61, 158; on Society for Ethi-
cal Culture, 49; on “survival of
the fittest,” 64; total philan-
thropic expenditures, 59, 262n.49
political involvement of: Hoover
supported in 1920, 239; Low sup-
ported for mayor, 95; McKinley
supported, 28–29; Mitchel
endorsed for mayor, 206; Repub-
licans supported, 29, 199; Roose-
velt supported in 1904, 131;
Sulzer supported for governor,
151–52; Wilson’s relationship
with, 241; Wilson supported, 29,
151, 199–200
russian jews supported by, 124–52;
and the Bolshevik revolution,
242–44; charged with bankrolling
the Bolsheviks, 245; concern over
European Jews after World War
I, 239–41; the Galveston plan,
159–68; Haupt’s Mesopotamian
settlement plan, 171–74; House
Committee on Foreign Affairs
testimony, 150; on immigration
restriction, 154–55, 238; Japan
supported in Russo-Japanese
War, 34, 134; lobbying Roosevelt
administration, 130–32; Mexican
settlement plan, 169–71; in Na-
tional Committee for Relief of
Sufferers by Russian Massacres,
140–42; at Portsmouth peace
conference, 34, 137–39; on the
Russian Revolution, 208; Russian
treaty abrogation campaign, 144–
52; searching for a refuge for,
153–88; on unrestricted immi-
gration, 153–59; White House
meeting on treaty abrogation,
147–48, 278n.61
wealth of: annual income of,
256n.70; fortune of, 70, 256n.70
during world war i, 189–237;
German loyalties of, 189–97; on
Jewish Socialist pacifism, 205–7;
in Jewish wartime relief, 210–14;
loans for the Allies, 195–98;
multiple loyalties of, 189; in
peace organizations, 191; revers-
ing his stand on the war, 195,
200; services of, 200–201,
289n.38; Wilson’s peace plans
supported by, 238–39
youth in frankfurt, 1–3
and zionism: as ambiguous about
Zionism, 102; the Balfour Dec-
laration, 234–37, 297n.125; on
cultural Zionism, 182; exchange
with Schechter over Zionism,
103, 179–81; on Hebrew lan-
guage use, 184, 285n.79; Herzl’s
appeal to, 178; invited to become
a shekel-payer, 226; on a Jewish
center in Palestine, 181, 182, 225,
228, 229; a Jewish homeland
endorsed by, 228; a Jewish state
opposed by, 182, 227–28, 229,
230, 233; on nationalism, 175–
76, 187, 228, 230, 232; as non-
Zionist, 175, 182–83, 186, 187–
88, 230; shift toward Zionism,
224–37; split with Marshall over
Nathan, 285n.78
Schiff, John (grandson), 25
Schiff, Meir ben Jacob (the Maharam),
Schiff, Mortimer (son): birth of, 5; edu-
cation of, 4, 6; on Haifa Technikum
board, 184; Hill in business training
of, 13; Jewish education of, 102, 229;
joins Kuhn, Loeb, 7; on loans to Al-
lies in World War I, 197; marriage
to Adele Neustadt, 25
316 Index