Watson, Tom, 54
Weber, John, 127
Weizmann, Chaim, 189
White, Andrew D., 52, 59, 127, 135, 192
White, Arnold, 133
White, Horace, 128
Wickersham, George, 167
Wilenkin, Gregory, 136, 198
Wilson, James H., 33
Wilson, Woodrow: on the Balfour Dec-
laration, 234; Brandeis considered
for cabinet appointment, 32, 219;
Brandeis named to Supreme Court,
219; dollar diplomacy repudiated by,
39; immigration restriction opposed
by, 158–59; on Jewish wartime re-
lief, 213, 292n.68; message of con-
dolence for Schiff, 246; on national
self-determination, 239; “peace
without victory” speech, 199; and
Polish Jews, 240, 241; on postponing
American Jewish Congress, 223; re-
lationship with Schiff, 241; Russian
Jews and Allied war loans, 198;
Schiff as supporter of, 29, 151, 199–
200; Schiff calls for removal of color
line in government, 71; Schiff sup-
porting peace plans of, 238–39
Wise, Isaac Mayer, 41, 102
Wise, Stephen: in American Jewish
Congress debate, 215, 217; anti-
Schiff animus of, 237; Free Syn-
agogue, 49, 63; on Schiff as more
pro-German than pro-Jewish, 197;
Schiff considers for rabbi for Lower
East Side, 98; and Schiff’s attack on
nationalism, 186; on Schiff’s shift to-
ward Zionism, 231
Wissotzky family, 183
Witte, Sergius, 137–39, 140, 142–43,
Wolf, Lucien, 226, 227
Wolf, Simon, 120, 148, 157, 186, 221
Wolff, Abraham, 7, 9
Wolfson, Harry Austryn, 79
Woodbine, New Jersey, 118, 119, 165
World War I, 189–237; America in,
199–209; American Jews in, 201–3;
conscription, 202, 205; hypernation-
alism during, 201, 203, 205; Jewish
Socialist pacifism, 205–7; Jewish
wartime relief, 210–14; loans for the
Allies, 195–98; Schiff’s pro-German
sympathies, 189–95; Versailles
treaty, 238–39, 241, 250
World Zionist Organization, 110, 173,
175, 184, 231, 236
Yahuda, A. S., 214
Yiddish press: in American Jewish Con-
gress debate, 215, 216, 218, 219,
221; on free immigration, 153; on
Galveston plan, 165; in German-
Russian rift, 107; and Jewish resis-
tance to conscription, 202; as pro-
German in World War I, 194, 195
YMCA, 69
YMHA, 5, 57, 63
Zangwill, Israel: Cyrenaica proposal,
283n.48; and the Galveston plan,
159, 162–67; and the Jewish Territo-
rial Organization, 162, 163; as mar-
ried to a non-Jew, 50, 162; Mesopo-
tamian settlement plan of, 172–74;
on Schiff’s pro-German statements,
190–91; and Schiff’s relation to Or-
thodoxy, 100; on Sulzberger, 43
Zimmermann, Arthur, 193
Zionism: American, 106, 236–37; in
American Jewish Congress debate,
111, 210, 211, 215–23; attraction for
ethnic-minded American Jews, 187;
and the Balfour Declaration, 234–
37; Basel program, 231, 234; Bran-
deis asks for support for international
Zionist institutions, 211; cultural
Zionism, 179, 182, 225, 226, 230,
236; as democratic, 177, 186; on east-
ern European Jewish immigration,
154; elitism opposed by, 139, 177,
186, 210; Federation of American
Zionists, 176, 179, 224, 225; and
Jewish attitudes toward World War
Index 319