national center for complementary and alternative medicine five-year strategic plan 2001–2005

(Frankie) #1

(1842–1910) summed it up so many years ago:
“The great revolution of our generation is the dis-
covery that human beings, by changing the inner
attitudes of their minds, can change the outer
aspects of their lives.” So be it, even as we beckon
alternative and complementary options with
“Show me!” as though we were all diehard Mis-
sourians. Although Albert Einstein observed,
“Few are those who see with their own eyes and

feel with their own hearts,” many of us have in
fact grown willing to accept and choose options
that defy specific explanation, and still more are
beginning to follow that lead. Perhaps in light of
this en masse acceptance—this breakthrough sur-
render—we will create a climate that lends itself
to our finding the answers and the improvements
we want. Now, at last, ours is a relentless, all-
embracing quest for healing and flourishing.

Introduction xxiii
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