national center for complementary and alternative medicine five-year strategic plan 2001–2005

(Frankie) #1

the February 23, 1997 issue of the Asbury Park
Press,“Cayce demonstrated powers of clairvoyance
at a young age that seemed to extend beyond the
five normal senses. He told his parents that he saw
and communicated with ‘visions,’ some of whom
were deceased relatives. He reportedly had a pho-
tographic memory that enabled him to absorb,
through osmosis, the content of school books while
sleeping on them. Cayce’s education was brief: he
went to work after completing seventh grade. At
age 21, he developed a throat malady that para-
lyzed his vocal cords and made him lose his voice.
When medical doctors couldn’t find a cause or
remedy, he sought help from a hypnotist. While
under hypnosis, Cayce reportedly diagnosed his
ailment and prescribed a treatment in precise,
medical terms, later verified by medical investiga-
tors. After following the course of treatment, his
voice returned.
“Cayce became a national phenomenon,” Zak
wrote. “In 1910, the New York Timesran a story
with the headline ‘Illiterate man becomes a doctor
when hypnotized–strange power shown by Edgar
Cayce puzzles physicians.’ As word about his
unusual ability spread, people came from near and
far, asking Cayce to perform psychic ‘readings’ and
prescribe treatments for their ailments. ‘What we
think and what we eat, combined together, make
what we are physically and mentally,’ Cayce said
during a 1934 reading. His remedies were holistic,
often involving diet and massage.”
More information and bibliography on Cayce
are available by contacting A.R.E., Inc., 215 67th
Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451, or at (757) 428-
3588 or (800) 333-4499, or http://www.edgar-

cell salts The ground material of mineral com-
pounds that are produced naturally by the body,
such as Natrum muriaticum, or sodium chloride
(table salt). In a homeopathic remedy, one part salt
must be ground with nine parts lactose, or milk
sugar, to make Natrum mur1x (x equals 10). This
may be used to treat the symptoms of hay fever, for
example. A cell-salt remedy made from calcium
fluoride, which is found in fibers throughout the
body, is used to treat hemorrhoids, varicose veins,

hernias, and other problems. According to home-
opaths, the more times cell salts are ground, or trit-
urated, the greater their potency. The cell-salt
system, also known as tissue salts, and remedies
were first developed by the German physician W.
H. Schuessler, M.D., who wrote An Abridged Ther-
apy Manual for the Biochemical Treatment of Disease
(Calcutta: Haren & Brother, 1st Indian ed., 1960),
which was in its 25th edition in 1987. Schuessler
believed that as natural medicine, cell salts are not
only harmless because they are not substances for-
eign to the body, but beneficial in the treatment of
a range of both acute and chronic problems. He uti-
lized calcium, sodium, iron, magnesium, and
potassium salts to develop a 12-salt system (long
before the discovery of trace minerals such as zinc
and selenium). The 12 salts are calcium fluoride
(Calc fluor is the homeopathic designation), cal-
cium phosphate (Calc phos), calcium sulfate (Calc
sulph), ferric phosphate (Ferrum phos), potassium
chloride (Kali mur), potassium sulfate (Kali sulph),
potassium phosphate (Kali phos), magnesium
phosphate (Mag phos), sodium chloride (Nat mur),
sodium phosphate (Nat phos), sodium sulfate (Nat
sulph), and silicic acid/silica (Silicea).
Schuessler also believed that cell-salt remedies
catalyze natural biochemical reactions in the body
and reorganize or balance them so any malfunc-
tioning tissues can function normally. A homeopath
must correctly identify which bodily tissues require
specific treatment before prescribing a cell-salt rem-
edy. Each type of salt acts a certain way. For
instance, sulfur serves to help the body express, or
throw off, an unwanted substance, and sodium
attracts water. In combination, they may be used as
a remedy for edema, the abnormal retention of
water in the ankles, legs, hands, and other parts of
the body. Among other ailments that may be
treated homeopathically by cell salts are fever, hem-
orrhage, infections, mucus congestion, inflamma-
tion, sinusitis, colds, coughs, bronchitis, backache,
colic, irritable bowels, bloating, gynecological prob-
lems, muscle spasms and cramps, teething pain,
nodules, hernia, anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

cell therapy The injection of healthy animal cells
or extracts of cells, usually from fetal sheep or pigs,

24 cell salts

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