national center for complementary and alternative medicine five-year strategic plan 2001–2005

(Frankie) #1

that juices of all kinds are beneficial to health and
complement treatment of ailments ranging from
anxiety to varicose veins. Juices are used also as
components in weight loss, cleansing and detoxifi-
cation diets, and fasting.

Jung, Carl The Swiss psychologist and psychia-
trist (1875–1961), who founded analytic psychol-
ogy and described the concepts of introverted and
extroverted personality types, archetypal personal-
ities, and the collective unconscious and universal
synchronicity of thoughts and events. Educated at

the universities of Basel and Zurich (where he
earned an M.D. in 1902), Jung worked in the psy-
chiatric clinic in Zurich and was on the staff of the
Berholzli Asylum of Zurich headed by the promi-
nent Swiss psychologist Eugen Bleuler. Jung also
collaborated with Sigmund Freud and wrote arti-
cles and books including The Psychology of the Uncon-
scious(1921. Reprint, Mineola, N.Y.: Dover, 2002).
In addition, Jung taught at the Federal Polytechni-
cal University in Zurich and was a professor of
medical psychology at the University of Basel.
Jung’s works greatly influence modern psycho-
logical concepts including those embraced in vari-
ous disciplines of mind-body medicine.

70 Jung, Carl

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