Mend The Marriage Customer Reviews

(howtomakeamanloveyou) #1

When dealing with people of this personality type, keep in mind that they crave recognition,
acceptance, approval, flattery, praise, and popularity. They will almost certainly avoid negativity and
conflict. They prefer a positive and enjoyable atmosphere.

S- Consistent- These personality types are steady, patient, dependable, and predictable. They enjoy
routine and security. They dislike change. They frequently avoid conflict and prefer to be in a
positive environment.

When trying to deal with S, take your time to establish trust and rapport. Because they are sensitive
to criticism, it is critical to remember to be kind and patient while avoiding aggressive and
confrontational behavior.

C- Conscientious- Individuals with this personality type are meticulous, precise, accurate, and
conscientious. They can be analytical and problem solvers.

When attempting to deal with this personality type, avoid criticizing them because they are correct.
They prefer specific facts and figures to broad generalizations. They will make every effort to avoid

The above personality type formula will greatly assist you in understanding people and their
personalities. This formula is critical because it will assist you in preserving relationships and, in this
case, your marriage.

This knowledge will also help you tailor your temper, communication, and behavior to your spouse's
needs. This formula ensures that your communication will improve.

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