
(Ann) #1

724 Figurate numbers


1.Prove that every hexagonal number is a triangular number.

2.Find two triangular numbers (apart from 1) that are squares.

3.Find a pentagonal numbers (apart from 1) that is also a square.

4.It is known that there is only one value ofnfor which

12 +2^2 +3^2 +···+n^2

is a square. What is this value?

5.Ramanujan’s house number.
6.An unidentified country has 7-digit population – and everyone has
been given a National ID Number, sequentially from one, allocated
by no identifiable logic.
The Censure Minister has chosen three names at random, and is
finding their ID number on the computer. When the first number
appears on the screen, the Government’s mathematical whiz-kid
informs the Minister that there is precisely a 50-50 chance that the
other two numbers will both be less than the one just displayed.
What is the population, and what is the first number?^1

(^1) Problem 2585,JRM, 31 (2002–2003) 71.

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