
(Ann) #1

930 Some geometry problems from recent journals

American Mathematical Monthly, Problem 11006, proposed by B. Suceava, ̆
California State University, Fullerton, CA

LetABCbe an acute triangle,Tthe midpoint of arcBCof the circle
circumscribingABC. LetGandKbe the projections ofAandT re-
spectively onBC, letHandLbe the projections ofBandConAT,
and letEbe the midpoint ofAB. Prove that

(a) KH//AC,GL//BT,GH//T C, andLK//AB.

(b)G,H,KandLare concyclic.

(c) The center of the circle throughG,H, andK lies on the Euler
circle (nine-point circle) of triangleABC.
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