1 For my use of the terms modernity, modernization,and modernism, I rely upon Marshall
Berman, All That Is Solid Melts into Air: The Experience of Modernity(1982; London:
Verso, 1985).
2 I use the termcritical theory rather loosely. It properly refers to the works of authors from
the Frankfurt School, such as Horkheimer, Adorno, Löwenthal, Pollock, or Marcuse. My us-
age of the term includes related theorists from different backgrounds like Walter Ben-
jamin, Ernst Bloch, or Manfredo Tafuri.
3 The name Das Neue Frankfurt stems from the title of the periodical that May published in
order to gain public support for his undertakings. It is also adopted to refer to the entirety
of the achievements in Frankfurt during May’s stay in office.