Architecture and Modernity : A Critique

(Amelia) #1

all take place here. This hierarchical structure with its centralizing tendency is com-
bined with distinct zoning. Without it being explicitly stated in principle at that time
(the Charter of Athens was only drawn up in 1933), the construction of the Siedlun-
gencreated a de facto functional segregation. The Siedlungen, after all, consisted pri-
marily of housing.^69 Consequently, a clear trend emerged of creating a geographical
separation between housing (in the Siedlungen), work (in the industrial terrains on
the banks of the Main), trade, culture, and education (in the city center), and an in-
frastructure of roads and railways that forms an essential connecting element.^70




Hellerhof, plan of the houses
from 1901.

Plan and facades of the blocks
designed by Mart Stam.
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