core of the city. However, one can get to it from Westhausen only by crossing the
busy Ludwig Landmannstrasse. The structure of Westhausen is definitely nonhier-
archical. It has no definite center and there is only one place with a striking individual
design—the communal laundry with its tall chimney, situated in the southwest cor-
ner of the Siedlung.^75
The evolution from a garden city concept to open row development occurred
largely because of growing problems with financing these housing schemes; at the
same time it also fitted in with an increasingly radical tendency toward rationaliza-
tion.^76 The earlier Siedlungen, including Römerstadt and Riedhof, were distinguished
by the highly differentiated design of the urban spaces that was the result of using
divergent types of dwelling and by applying architectural accents in appropriate
places. After 1929 there is an unmistakable tendency toward great simplicity: there
Axonometric scheme of the
Siedlungof Westhausen.
Scheme of the organization of
open spaces in Westhausen:
streets, pedestrian paths, grass
strips, and private gardens.
(From D. W. Dreysse,
May-Siedlungen, p. 20.)