Microsoft Word - 00_Title_draft.doc

(Chris Devlin) #1
Annex: Data and sources

Table A1. Health indicators




years of life
lost 3/



Acute care

MRI units

Australia 79.8 5.0 3502 2.5 10.4 3.7 3.7
Austria 78.4 4.5 3700 3.3 9.3 6.1 12.4
Belgium 77.9 4.4 .. 3.9 5.6 4.0 6.6
Canada 79.5 5.3 3554 2.1 9.8 3.2 3.9
Czech Republic 75.2 4.0 4632 3.5 9.2 6.5 2.1
Denmark 77.1 4.6 4014 2.9 10.2 3.4 7.1
Finland 78.1 3.1 3907 2.6 8.8 2.4 11.6
France 79.2 4.2 4098 3.3 7.1 4.0 2.6
Germany 78.2 4.2 3736 3.3 9.6 6.7 5.7
Greece 78.1 5.0 3601 4.4 3.9 .. 2.2
Hungary 72.1 7.5 7056 3.2 5.0 6.0 2.3
Iceland 80.2 2.4 3054 3.5 13.4 .. 14.9
Ireland 77.2 5.3 4225 2.4 14.7 3.0 ..
Italy 79.8 4.5 3287 4.3 5.4 4.0 9.6
Japan 81.5 3.0 2917 2.0 7.7 9.1 32.3
Korea 76.2 6.2 4426 1.5 1.6 5.5 7.3
Luxembourg 78.1 5.3 3939 2.6 10.3 5.8 6.2
Mexico 74.5 21.3 .. 1.5 2.2 1.0 0.2
Netherlands 78.3 5.1 3447 3.2 13.0 3.3 ..
New Zealand 78.7 5.6 4149 2.2 9.4 .. 3.4
Norway 79.1 3.6 3515 3.0 10.4 3.1 ..
Poland 74.3 7.4 5974 2.3 4.9 5.0 0.9
Portugal 77.0 4.7 4934 3.3 3.9 3.2 3.6
Slovak Republic 73.6 7.2 5879 3.1 7.0 6.2 2.0
Spain 79.8 4.2 3597 3.1 7.0 3.2 6.0
Sweden 80.0 3.4 2937 3.2 10.0 2.4 7.9
Switzerland 80.1 4.6 3339 3.6 10.7 4.0 13.5
Turkey 68.4 36.3 .. 1.4 1.7 2.2 3.0
United Kingdom 78.2 5.3 3721 2.1 8.7 3.7 5.1
United States 77.0 6.9 5101 2.3 7.9 2.9 8.4
Mean 77.5 6.5 4083 2.8 8.0 4.2 6.8
Median 78.2 4.9 3736 3.1 8.8 3.7 5.7
Minimum 68.4 2.4 2917 1.4 1.6 1.0 0.2
Maximum 81.5 36.3 7056 4.4 14.7 9.1 32.3
Standard deviation 2.8 6.5 981.2 0.8 3.4 1.8 6.4
Observations 30 30 27 30 30 27 27

1/ Years of life expectancy, total population at birth. Average for 2000 and 2003. Source: OECD (2005).
2/ Deaths per 1000 live births. Average for 2000-2003. Source: OECD (2005).
3/ All causes - <70 year,/100 000. Average for 2000-2003. Source: OECD (2005).
4/ 5/ 6/ Density per 1000 population. Average for 2000-2003. Source: OECD (2005).
7/ Per million population. Average for 2000-2003. Source: OECD (2005).
.. – non available.

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