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(Chris Devlin) #1
Table A2. Non-discretionary factors

Per capita GDP

Education level


Australia 29143 19.5 21.7 # 19.8 $
Austria 29972 7.0 9.1 # ..
Belgium 28396 12.7 11.7 $ 27.0
Canada 30463 20.8 14.3 * 17.0
Czech Republic 16448 11.4 14.8 24.1 *
Denmark 31630 12.0 9.5 # 28.0
Finland 27252 15.4 12.8 * 22.2
France 27327 12.5 9.4 27.0
Germany 27609 13.6 12.9 * 24.3
Greece 19973 12.2 21.9 35.0 #
Hungary 14572 14.4 18.8 * 33.8
Iceland 30657 18.9 12.4 22.4
Ireland 36775 14.3 13.0 27.0 *
Italy 27050 10.0 8.5 24.2
Japan 28162 20.1 3.2 * 30.3
Korea 17908 18.9 3.2 $ 30.4 $
Luxembourg 62844 10.2 18.4 33.0
Mexico 9136 13.4 24.2 26.4*
Netherlands 29412 21.2 10.0 32.0
New Zealand 21177 14.6 20.9 * 25.0
Norway 37063 27.5 8.3 26.0
Poland 11623 12.5 11.4 & 27.6 $
Portugal 18444 7.1 12.8 ..
Slovak Republic 13469 10.4 22.4 24.3*
Spain 22264 17.1 13.1 * 28.1
Sweden 26656 16.8 9.7 * 17.5
Switzerland 30186 16.1 7.7 26.8*
Turkey 6749 8.9 12.0 * 32.1
United Kingdom 27106 18.3 23.0 * 26.0
United States 37352 28.7 30.6 17.5
Mean 25894 15.2 14.1 26.2
Median 27290 14.4 12.8 26.6
Minimum 6749 7.0 3.2 17.0
Maximum 62844 28.7 30.6 35.0
Standard deviation 10681 5.2 6.4 4.8
Observations 30 30 30 28

1/ GDP per capita - (USD) PPP GDP and population in 2003. Source: World Development Indicators Database, September 2003.
2/ Percentage of population at ISCED 5A = Programmes at the tertiary level equivalent to university programmes (ISCED-76: level 6), and ISCED 6 =
Advanced research programmes at the tertiary level, equivalent to PhD programmes. (ISCED-76: level 7). Average for 2000-2003. Source: OECD,
Education at a Glance 2005,
3/ 2002 body weight, obese population (BMI>30kg/m2). Source: OECD HEALTH DATA 2005, Sept. 05. - 2003; $ - 2001; # 1999; & - 1996.
4/ Tobacco consumption (% of pop), 2003. Source: OECD HEALTH DATA 2005, Sept. 05.
- 2002; $ - 2001; # 2000.
.. – non available.

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