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(Chris Devlin) #1
Annex: Design of innovation policy in the Netherlands

Objective / instrument
A. More development and use of technological knowledge by
individual companies
WBSO Stimulating R&D investment through a tax credit on the wage costs
of employees that are involved in the research of new products,
processes or programs.
IS Subsidy program for corporation programs between companies and
public knowledge institutions
B. Strengthening knowledge base through cooperation between
companies and public knowledge centres
TNO / GTI Partly public funded knowledge institutes that combine fundamental
research with practical application
TTI Virtual institute in which multi-disciplined teams from business
industry and knowledge institutions work on the commercial and
social application of fundamental research
STW Financing of research projects that are carried out in close
cooperation with potential users to create more demand driven
IOP / ITEA / MEDEA / CVO / PEP Strengthening long term strategic research directed towards
innovation in specific business areas, such as nano electronics,
software, civil aircraft and space industry.
BSIK Creating high quality networks within the existing knowledge
infrastructure to signal long term research areas and identify and
stimulate innovative projects
C. More diffusion and application of knowledge within small and
medium-sized businesses (SME)
Syntens Organisation that gives advice and presentations to SME about
innovation and tries to signal trends within the SME sector.
SKO / SKB Increasing knowledge transfer by providing subsidies to individual
companies (SKO) or sectors (SKB) that set up a strategy plan,
feasibility study or innovation project
D. More starting companies that develop and use technological
Technopartner Increasing the number and quality of technostarters through
mobilising venture capital, providing (financial) support to set up a
patent policy and creating a platform for problem solving and
information sharing.


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