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(Chris Devlin) #1
2.5. Policy programmes

Implementation of the Government Programme has been monitored since 1973. In spring 2003, a new
programme management system was introduced to improve coordination of the implementation of the
Government Programme. One important aim of this programme management is to make state
administration adhere more efficiently to the priorities set out in the Government Programme. Another
aim is to systemise follow-up to policies and improve networking among ministries.

In practice, programme management covers the most important intersectoral subject matters in the
Government Programme, namely the policy programmes. The policy programmes group together
ministries' projects and appropriations. The implementation and monitoring of the Government
Programme is based on Government Strategy Document, which is revised every year. In addition to the
policy programmes, the strategy document includes other intersectoral Government policies and annual
plans and measures for the implementation of the Government Programme. Currently there are four
policy programmes included in the Strategy Document i.e. the employment policy programme,
entrepreneurship policy programme, information society policy programme and civil participation policy

Box 1 - The policy programmes currently in operation
The objective of the Employment Policy Programme is to reduce unemployment and promote enterprises'
access to labour. The programme's most important projects include the reform of employment services,
activation of labour market subsidies, education and employment policy measures and attempts to lengthen the
time spent by employees in the labour market.
The principal aims of the programme are: (1) to reduce structural unemployment and prevent social exclusion,
(2) to ensure the supply of skilled labour and provide for scarcity of labour due to demographic changes, (3) to
lengthen the time spent by individuals in the labour market, increase the productivity of labour and improve the
organisation of work and job satisfaction.
The Government implements the Entrepreneurship Policy Programme as part of its economic and industrial
policy. The main objectives are to safeguard a stable and predictable operational environment for enterprises
and to ensure that the resources available for promotion of entrepreneurship in various administrative branches
will be utilised to the full. The programme underlines the importance of enterprises and entrepreneurs in the
construction of economic growth and employment.
The main focus of the Entrepreneurship Policy Programme is on concrete projects that support entrepreneurship.
The programme consists of five sub-sectors: (1) entrepreneurial training and consultancy, (2) establishment,
growth and internationalisation of enterprises, (3) entrepreneurial taxes and payments, (4) regional
entrepreneurship, and (5) provisions governing entrepreneurship and the functioning of markets.
The Information Society Programme will focus on the utilisation of the opportunities offered by the
information society. The aim of the programme is to boost competitiveness and productivity, to promote social
and regional equality and to improve citizens' well-being and quality of life through effective utilisation of
information and communications technologies. The Information Society Policy Programme aims to maintain
Finland's status as a leading producer and user of information and communications technology.
The Information Society Programme consists of seven sub-sectors: (1) telecommunication infrastructure and
digital television, (2) citizens' ability to utilise the information society and secure information society, (3)
training, working life, research and development, (4) utilisation of ICT in public administration, (5) electronic
commerce and digital contents, (6) legislative measures, and (7) international dimension.
The Civil Participation Policy Programme aims to reinforce the functioning of representative democracy and
encourage civil participation. The objective is to improve electoral participation and provide opportunities for
active civil participation between elections. The programme will place particular emphasis on those groups
whose participation and influence have remained low in the past.

The Strategy Document also sets out concrete impact objectives and details the concrete measures by
which the targets shall be pursued. The desired societal impacts of each policy programme are also

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