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(Chris Devlin) #1

Financial resources are classified according to two new aggregates: missions and programmes which can
be linked to the COFOG classification also to allow international comparisons.

More specifically, the 34 missions that are sometimes shared between more Ministries represent macro-
areas where the Government takes action.

A series of programmes (168 altogether) have been identified in each mission which specify the remit of
the action taken by the various Ministries in greater detail. As the programmes have been defined on the
basis of the goals they intend to pursue, they will be a clear reference point in identifying the use of
resources, thus allowing more effective control over it.

The budget reclassification of spending programmes also provides a key starting point for developing the
spending review process.

Table 4

STATE BUDGET BY MISSIONS € million^2008 % of total Change vs. 2007
(^1) Financial relationships with local government 100,023 22.1 1,608
(^2) Public debt 1 78,226 17.3 3,203
(^3) Pensions 66,903 14.8 1,574
(^4) Education 41,609 9.2 228
(^5) Italy in Europe and the world 24,048 5.3 -580
(^6) Welfare rights, welfare solidarity and family 24,046 5.3 -132
(^7) National defence and security 19,172 4.2 -1,557
(^8) Funds to be allocated 17,286 3.8 -3,074
(^9) Law, order and public security 9,422 2.1 -129
(^10) Economic, financial and budgetary policies 2 8,875 2.0 159
(^11) University education 8,168 1.8 -216
(^12) Right to mobility 7,960 1.8 -1,222
(^13) Justice 7,275 1.6 -354
(^14) Competitiveness and business development 5,574 1.2 1,769
(^15) Development and reduction of regional disparities 4,545 1.0 124
(^16) Research and innovation 3,968 0.9 86
(^17) Infrastructures and logistics 3,778 0.8 -24
(^18) Civil aid 3,710 0.8 184
19 Constitutional bodies, other bodies with constitutional relevance, and
Presidency of the Council of Ministers
3,233 0.7 88
(^20) General and institutional services of public administration 2,920 0.6 -164
(^21) Employment policies 2,701 0.6 -432
(^22) Immigration 1,427 0.3 71
(^23) Protection of cultural heritage and natural landscape 1,380 0.3 -91
(^24) Agriculture, food and farming policies and fishery 1,255 0.3 -19
(^25) Housing and urban organisation 1,060 0.2 -8
(^26) Youths and sport 902 0.2 -72
(^27) Communications 896 0.2 -516
(^28) Healthcare 702 0.2 -18
29 General administration and backing to the general representation of
Government and State over the country
353 0.1 13
30 International trade and policies to assist Italian businesses with
international expansion
234 0.1 -1
(^31) Tourism 113 0.0 -6
(^32) Sustainable development and environmental protection 1,017 0.2 0
(^33) Energy and diversification of energy sources 59 0.0 -43
(^34) Market regulation 16 0.0 -18
(^) Total 452,856 431

  1. Net of State debt’s repayments

  2. Net of account regulation tax repayments and reimbursements.
    Source: Italy’s StabilityPprogramme, Ministry of Economy and Finance, November 2007

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