Starting Your Career As A Musician

(Frankie) #1

Whenever you create a new podcast episode, you should add a new section to
your podcast feed. The iTunes directory will list the episode the next time it reads your
feed. The order in which the episodes appear is based on the for each item,
with the most recent episodes appearing at the top of the list.
By default, the iTS directory reads every feed once per day. The subscriber's iTunes
client picks up new episodes based on the preferences set by the user.
Troubleshooting Your Feed.
iTS should update your listing at least once every 24 hours. If you made changes
more than 24 hours ago that are not yet reflected in your iTunes listing, there is a good
chance that your feed has broken. When iTS encounters a broken feed, it ignores the feed
and continues to display the old data.
Here is a set of recommended steps to fix your feed:

  1. Review the technical spec, particularly the example feed, to ensure that every de-

tail of your podcast’s feed is supported by iTunes.

  1. Use a feed validation service like to check for par-
    ticular problems. This may be helpful in determining a specific problem with syntax.

  2. If you used a software or online-based feed creation service, check to ensure your
    settings there are correct and iTunes-compliant. Review the section on iTunes Formatting

  3. Subscribe to the feed in iTunes to see if it works. Open iTunes, go to the Ad-

vanced menu, choose "Subscribe to Podcast" and enter your feed’s URL.
Removing or Blocking Your Feed.

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