Starting Your Career As A Musician

(Frankie) #1

all happen. For more information about aggregator and other music deals visit is another one to look into. Here’s some information about them
from their site:
“From an idea born in a tiny Birmingham flat, Matt and Lee Parsons have helped
over 30,000 artists distribute their music to a world-wide audience.
In 2006, Matt and Lee wanted to release their own music independently. By the time
they set up a record label, worked out barcodes and ISRC codes, and finally managed to
get their music distributed six months had passed. Their momentum stalled, their fans
moved on, and their track limped into the charts at number 70. Their music career was
With this setback came the realization that thousands of other artists must be feeling
the same sense of frustration. So, with their new found industry insights, Matt and Lee
started releasing their friends' music. Artists paid a small upfront fee to cover operating
costs, but they got to keep all the rights to their music, and 100% of the money from their
sales. It was a small operation, but it would eventually change the way the music industry
did business.
In 2007 Matt and Lee were vindicated, releasing the first ever UK top 40 single by an
unsigned artist when Koopa's Blag, Steal, and Borrow entered the charts at number 32.
Suddenly, Ditto was the hottest new music distributor in the world.
Since then, Ditto has released eleven UK top 40 singles–all from unsigned artists –
and artists like Price, Paul McCartney, Finch, Suzi Quatro, Ed Sheeran, Maverick Sabre,

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