Starting Your Career As A Musician

(Frankie) #1

Until Spotify’s business model is improved, it should be seen as just another free mu-
sic service, like Napster and Grooveshark before it, and it should be known that the best

way to support your favorite artists is to purchase their music at full-price – especially

their self-released material - and go to their shows when they’re in town.”
Also, Dan mentioned that that those iTunes figures are for both ringtones and regular
iTunes sales, and each has a different pricing system. lumps both types of sales together
in the sales reports, and he didn't know if he could separate them. The figure for iTunes
across the board payments is something around 90% of the sale price to the rights hold-
ers. The 70 something cents in my article is a little higher than what would be received
through straight iTunes sales since ringtones have a higher price point.
Also, Ramforinkus is remastering their tunes for an upcoming album and will proba-
bly remove old versions from the Internet once it drops. To listen to what the band is up
to, point your browser to
A child of the Music Genome Project, Pandora is listened to by over 40 million users.

That’s a lot and a lot of opportunity for you ... if you can get in. That will take some prep
work. To give you an idea of the competition, Michael Zapruder, music curator for Pan-
dora, receives roughly 400 to 800 songs every month. And they listen to each and every

one. That’s a full time job in itself.
Here are their recommended steps from their site:

  • First, you need to have a CD copy of your music with a bar code. When a recording
    studio agrees to record and replicate an album a bar code is often included in the fees. But

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