watch out, it can cost as much as $99 to buy a bar code. Pandora recommends Nation
Wide Barcode which charges only $10 for a bar code. You can get it the same day.
- Once your music has been reproduced into a CD format, Pandora requires that the mu-
sic must be available in the physical Amazon CD store. You will need to create an ac-
count for Amazon Advantage, but there are no fees to join. It cost $29.95 per year plus a
55% standard commission on the sale of your CDs. Don’t forget to enter in all the infor-
mation that Amazon lists about your music. Most importantly you need to upload the
cover art for the album.
- Speaking of albums, no matter how awesome all the other songs on a CD might sound
you need the rights to use every song on the album. Once Pandora accepts your music
they may use all the songs on your CD. - It is also suggested that before submitting you should collect relevant information
about your fan base, selling power and music reviews. This will not help with the Music
Genome Project, but it can be a good indicator to Pandora if people want to hear your
music. - Go to Pandora’s submit music form at and give them all the
information you have prepared. You will want to submit your best two songs from the CD
you put on Amazon. Zapruder also suggests not putting in more than one submission until
you know if your first CD has been approved or denied.
By utilizing the wealth of musicological information stored in the Music Genome
Project, Pandora recognizes and responds to each individual's tastes. The result is a much