Starting Your Career As A Musician

(Frankie) #1

You want to put your best foot forward. Plus, you, or rather, they can likely re-purpose
some existing graphics from other materials created for your act. That can save you some
Don’t just copy the “Press Kit” folder to the disk and burn it. That’s an extra step for
the recipient. Remember what I wrote about making things easy? If you dump the folder

on the drive, Joe Journalist has to open the disk, open the “Press Kit” folder just to start
to get to your content. Just select the files and folders and drag them to the disk to burn.
This way your files and content folders will be at the root of the drive.
The nice thing about a digital press kit is:

  • They’re cheap to produce on CD or DVD. If you want to get really fancy, put them on a
    USB drive that has your logo and some other info like a tagline, contact info, etc. Adding
    a demo tune is a nice touch, as well. Pretty snazzy, eh?

  • The journalist can copy, paste or export the content

  • They’re usually less expensive to mail or ship in CD or DVD format.

  • You can put the content on your site, and other outlets such as Facebook, for download-
    Downloading a digital press kit is free and free is good. Well, free is good for you. It’s

bad when your CDs, merchandise and such are free. We’re trying to make some money

And there you have it. Press kits on the cheap with a minimum of headaches.
Free download pdf