Starting Your Career As A Musician

(Frankie) #1

  • Call the stations to get the names of the musical director and/or show hosts/

  • Call back at a later date, ask for them by name.

  • When you talk, learn what materials they expect to receive (CDs, demos, press kits,

  • Talk about your act, the kind of music you play, performances you’ve done, etc. (i.e.:

promote) But, as it’s said, you have two ears and one mouth, Listen more than you talk.

  • Send off your stuff and then wait a bit. Make a follow up call to verify receipt.

  • Give it some time and then make another call to learn if they listened to your music and

if it’s been added to the rotation.

  • Be polite, but persistent to learn if your music has, in fact, been heard and added to the

Local Radio
Getting your music played on local radio stations is pretty much the same procedure

as college radio. There are a few twists, though. It’s best to send your materials via FedEx
or at least Express Mail. It just looks more important. Morning shows are always looking
for folks to interview. Have a local gig coming up? Give the musical director or show
host a call and ask for an interview about the event. Try to get testimonials from fans or

places where you’ve played. These can be call-ins. Finally, bring some doughnuts or

other breakfast fare. It will be appreciated and you’ll generally be treated nicer. Finally,
mention your site address and/or Facebook Page. If you sell merchandise, mention that

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