Starting Your Career As A Musician

(Frankie) #1

and they do offer refunds if they are unable to achieve airplay for you. They also include
a variety of other services including photos, discography,videos, etc. How easy is that?
How much does all this cost? A single will cost roughly $315 USD. Up to eight tracks
is roughly $450 USD and an album with up to fifteen track runs roughly $625 USD.
iPluggers uses Euros as it currency, so the conversions may be a bit off. is another great service and similar to iPlugger. It’s Internet-based and
they boast 7,000,000 listeners
You upload your songs and photos and choose popular artists whose music is similar
to yours. Your music will be listened to by audiences who also listen to the similar artists
you chose. Many may become new fans. You also receive report addressing how your
new fan base is doing. Jango reports to you where your music was played, as well as how
it was rated by Jango listeners. You can learn what track are most popular, what countries
listen the most and more. Additional premium features include targeting by age, gender
and location. If you fare well, you might even earn yourself some bonus Jango Play Cred-
its. They award up to 100,000 each week.
How much will all this set you and your band back? 250 play credits is just $10 USD.
1000 is $30 USD and 4000 is only $100. Not too bad. Plus, Jango has been written up in
USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, Wired and several other publications.
The take away is:

  • Be prepared.

Have a crystal clear idea of what you’re trying to accomplish and why.
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