Starting Your Career As A Musician

(Frankie) #1

Attitudes and Perspectives of Secondary School Non-Music Teachers, Dr. John L. Vitale
found the forty-one participants, each non-music teachers from a suburban Toronto,
Canada area high school, placed a high value on informally trained musicians. From the

study’s abstract, “Data collection includes a questionnaire based on a semantic differen-
tial scale, as well as a randomly selected focus group. Hence, this is a mixed method
study integrating both quantitative and qualitative data. Results indicate that the attitudes
and perspectives of the participants were very positive towards informally trained musi-
cians. Specifically, participants generated three principal themes. The first theme of value
indicates that informally trained musicians are very esteemed members of society. The
second theme of creativity identifies how informally trained musicians are great com-
posers. Lastly, the theme of non-conformity focuses on the steadfast desire of informally
trained musicians to achieve musical competency without formal instruction. From an ed-
ucation perspective, conclusions demonstrate that formal music educators should con-

sider the inherent advantages of informal music learning.”

This begs the question–Is the investment of both time and money worth it for the as-

piring professional musician? Once again, it depends upon a musician’s career goals. For
someone seeking a position with a professional orchestra, the answer is a resounding

“yes.” But, for someone who is seeking to play clubs, write, perform and record pop or

rock music, they’ll probably be better off saving their money by going the informal route.
As a matter of fact, nearly all the professional musicians I spoke with while doing the
research for this book were informally trained and none of them felt it hurt their career.

Many actually felt it enhanced it. They didn’t feel tied to various rules, so they had a
wider range of creative expression to pull from. Their classically or formally trained

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