Starting Your Career As A Musician

(Frankie) #1

someone who knows what they’re doing to do my website and go write a new song in the


Hiring out the site building can be the best decision you can make ... or the worst.

Here’s why. In many ways, working with a Website designer, when you don’t know much

about building Websites, is like working with an auto mechanic when you don’t know
much about the inner workings of the internal combustion engine. That nagging voice in

the back of your head keeps repeating, “Are they taking advantage of me?”
Most Web designers are very ethical people who want nothing more than to build a
brilliant site for your band. Sure, they want to get paid, too. But, they are above board and
not interested in taking you for a ride. However, there are some out there who will prey
on your lack of knowledge.
Here are a few rules of thumb to keep you safe:

  • Ensure your domain name & hosting accounts are in your name, not the designer’s.

You can run into trouble if your designer gets mowed over by a Mack truck or there’s

a falling out between the two of you. If I had a dime every time I’ve heard this, and had to

subsequently work it all out so my client could have their site back, I’d be in the tropics
sipping umbrella-laden drinks on the beach. Oh wait. I live in the tropics. Nonetheless,
the advice still stands.

  • Create a Request for Proposal (RFP) that describes your goals, needs, deadlines, bud-
    get, timeline, etc.

  • Get at least three estimates/proposals

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