cyclotronfrequency and theharmonic motion is centered at thepoint
which depends upon Theeigenvalues andeigenfunctions are
where are the eigenfunctions for the one-dimensional harmonic oscil-
5.75 Electric and Magnetic Fields (Princeton)
a) Many vectorpotentialsA(r) can be chosen so that For
the present problem the most convenient choice is Thus the
Hamiltonian is
The abovechoice isconvenientsince only fails tocommutewithH,so
and are constants ofmotion. Bothpotentials have been made to depend
b) Since and are constants ofmotion, we canwrite theeigenstates
and energies as
The lastequation determines theeigenvalue andeigenfunctions
The potential isa combination oflinear andquadratic terms in So the
motion behaves as asimpleharmonicoscillator,where the termslinear in
determine thecenter ofvibration. Aftersome algebra we canwrite the