viii Preface
happy totrust us withtheir problems. We wish tothank thePhysicsDepart-
ments of Boston University (Boston), University of Colorado at Boulder (Col-
orado),ColumbiaUniversity(Columbia), University of Maryland (Mary-
land),MassachusettsInstitute ofTechnology(MIT), University of Michi-
gan (Michigan),MichiganState University(MichiganState), MichiganTech-
nologicalUniversity(MichiganTech),Princeton University (Princeton),
Rutgers University(Rutgers), Stanford University (Stanford), State Univer-
sity of NewYork at Stony Brook (StonyBrook),University ofTennessee at
Knoxville(Tennessee), andUniversity ofWisconsin(Wisconsin-Madison).
The MoscowInstitute of Physics andTechnology (MoscowPhys-Tech)does
not give this type of qualifying exam in graduate school. Some of their prob-
lems came from the final written exam for the physics seniors, some of the
others, mostly introductory problems, are from their oral entrance exams or