Birgit Wolz - E-Motion Picture Magic-A Movie Lover\'s Guide to Healing and Transformation

(BlackTrush) #1


Have you ever wished for more perspective on your life? Have
you ever thought “If only I could take a couple steps back from
my problems I might feel less insecure, worried, discontented,
angry or confused?” I have often observed that true healing
begins when some event occurs that causes us to gain a deeper
understanding of ourselves and our circumstances. Sometimes
this shift in perspective comes about through a major disrup-
tion in our normal routines. Or perhaps a friend’s life inspires
us and opens us to new insights. Sometimes the object that keys
this extraordinary change of viewpoint is not even a real person
but simply a character in a story.
Throughout history philosophers, psychotherapists, and
spiritual teachers have pointed to a shift in viewpointas the key
to emotional and spiritual growth. Such a change in perspective
is one of the goals commonly sought by those who practice
spiritual disciplines. In many forms of meditation it is hoped
that the practice will enable us to see into our deeper nature and
that by doing so we will no longer identify so closely with our
individual concerns. In such a scenario our problems do not
necessarily go away, but through meditation we learn to view
them in a larger context. This meditative vantage point is some-
times called an observer perspective. Many psychotherapeutic
methods share a similar goal.

“The best movies trans-
port us beyond time. We
hitch a ride on the emo-
tional roller coaster of the
main character’s quest.”
Cathie Glenn
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