Birgit Wolz - E-Motion Picture Magic-A Movie Lover\'s Guide to Healing and Transformation

(BlackTrush) #1

person to specifically focus on the qualities you
mentioned in Quadrant I of your Self Matrix.

Exercise 5: Letter Writing
Write a letter to yourself then seal it in an envelope
with your address and a stamp on it. Now, give it to
a person you trust and instruct them to mail it at a
time that you determine.
In this letter express how you appreciate yourself
for your positive qualities and capacities. Imagine
yourself in the future at the time when the letter
will be mailed to you. Describe how these qualities
will have grown and expanded by this time.

Exercise 6: Writing Affirmations
On separate sheets of paper or cards write your
positive qualities and capacities as you fill in the
blanks of the following sentences:

  1. I appreciate and enjoy (fill in the blank with a
    positive quality or capacity).

  2. (Fill in the blank with a positive quality or
    capacity) makes me feel content and happy.

Place these notes at prominent places in your
home so that you see them frequently throughout
the day.

Exercise 7: Drawing, Painting, or Sculpting
If you enjoy drawing, painting, or sculpting,
express how you see yourself through these media
emphasizing the qualities you like about yourself.
Do not worry about perfect artistic style. Just
express what is inside of you about these qualities as
best you can. Your art can be completely abstract.

Powerful Tools for Healing and Growth — The Growth Matrix 159
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