Birgit Wolz - E-Motion Picture Magic-A Movie Lover\'s Guide to Healing and Transformation

(BlackTrush) #1

enough to enjoy. The exaggeration ends up giving
you energy that you need because the attacks get
most of their power from causing you to reject and
deplete yourself.

Exposing the Inner Critic:Who cares what you think?
or Who are you to judge me?This is basically calling
a spade a spade and not accepting the authority of
the judge or its right to make any kind of pronounce-
ment against you.

Surrender:Now you’ve made me feel guilty.This
response is an acknowledgment that your inner
critic has made you feel exactly what it wanted to.
You are surrendering any effort to change. At the
same time you are describing the activity of the
inner critic rather than believing that it means there
is something wrong with you.

Disinterest:Thanks for the advice. I’ll have to think
about it.Here, as in the response agreement, you do
not fight the content. Instead, you consciously stay
neutral and actively end the interaction.

Changing the Subject:Have you ever seen such a
wonderful landscape?With this response, you are
not engaging with your inner critic but actively
placing your attention elsewhere. By shifting your
attention away from the attack, this defense refuses
to allow your awareness to be controlled.

Compassion:If I’m really acting in that bad way, it
must be painful for you.This is focusing on
empathizing with the perspective of your inner
critic in order to stop the attack. To act from
compassion can bring healing to the inner

Powerful Tools for Healing and Growth — The Growth Matrix 165
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