Birgit Wolz - E-Motion Picture Magic-A Movie Lover\'s Guide to Healing and Transformation

(BlackTrush) #1

obstacles, and experienced an internal transformation.
Recognizing that the characters had grown immensely in this
often agonizing process, I was then able to touch into my own
hope and deep inner knowing that this might be possible for me
too. I became fascinated by movies like My Left Foot (1989)
where Christy, who has cerebral palsy, gradually becomes an
artist, writer, and eventually a husband. Among others I
watched Places in the Heart (1984)several times. Here, the
main character, Edna, masters many overwhelming problems
successfully after her husband dies. Each time I saw this film it
enabled me to access my own strength, courage, and determi-
nation not to let my challenges defeat me. Instead, I started to
believe that I, like these movie characters, could eventually
come out of this life crisis matured as well as emotionally and
spiritually transformed.
You may have experienced significant crises in your life
that challenged you emotionally. Perhaps you are in the middle
of working through a trauma or a loss. In response, you may
feel sad, depressed, or anxious. Write down any thoughts in
response to the following questions:

Exercise 3: Remembering Your Hard Times
 Do you remember certain movies that affected
you strongly when you experienced hard
 If you experience difficult challenges right
now, ask yourself: What do you need most —
catharsis, comfort, encouragement, or
modeling of transformation?
 What kind of movie do you feel intuitively
drawn to?

For many years I have felt drawn to a variety of movies and
watched them with much enjoyment. After I started using the
principles of E-Motion Picture Magic I not only enjoyed the
movies for entertainment, but I noticed consciously how I felt

“I cannot believe that the
inscrutable universe turns
on an axis of suffering;
surely the strange beauty
of the world must some-
where rest on pure joy!”
Louise Bogan

Basic Discoveries 13
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