Birgit Wolz - E-Motion Picture Magic-A Movie Lover\'s Guide to Healing and Transformation

(BlackTrush) #1
seen as the “collective dreams” of our times. When certain
movies resonate with us, they touch into the unconscious part
of our psyche. A film may move us deeply, as I experienced
with Whale Riderand Powder. A character or a scene might
also upset us intensely. Understanding our emotional responses
to movies, just as understanding our nighttime dreams, can
serve as a window to our unconscious. Both are ways to bring
our unconscious inner world to a conscious level.
One of the most effective ways of using dreams to tap the
wisdom of the unconscious can be found in Jeremy Taylor’s
book Where People Fly and Water Runs Uphill.^1 I have adapted
some of his basic principles for interpretation and utilization of
dreams to the process of self-discovery and growth through
films. As you understand your responses to movie characters,
you will get to know yourself in ways of which you were pre-
viously unaware. Consequently these responses will teach you
how to reach increased health and wholeness. This is possible
because expanded awareness alone often helps us to let go of
unhealthy patterns and reconnect with our authentic self. In
case insight alone is not sufficient, I will also introduce a series
of exercises to work with your new discoveries.
In this process films are used in an evocativeway. Different
from the Prescriptive way, the choice of films is not limited to
a certain kind of movie. As it is possible to gain insights from
any dream, your emotional responses to almost any kind of
movie can teach you to understand yourself better. You will be
introduced to this approach in chapters 8 through 10.

The Cathartic Way

Our cultural preference for processing emotions cognitively
instead of feeling them in our bodies tends to maintain and
prolong distress. Emotions are stored in the body, not only the
mind. Cathartic therapeutic techniques allow therapists to help
clients access these stored emotions and release them. These
methods are based on the assumption that the more catharsis

“Movies do more than just
entertain. A good movie
can also teach.”
John K.

16 E-Motion Picture Magic

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