Birgit Wolz - E-Motion Picture Magic-A Movie Lover\'s Guide to Healing and Transformation

(BlackTrush) #1

various stress hormones in them, than do irritant tears (trig-
gered by onion vapors). Some researchers theorize that crying
may stimulate the release of endorphins, substances that ele-
vate our mood and relieve pain.
Emotional release through tears may not be possible for
everyone in all situations, however. Though crying is more
acceptable now than it once was, it still elicits embarrassment
in many of us, which sometimes outweighs the benefits. In this
case tears would only trigger an additional kind of emotional
stress. For some shame might block the tears that a sad movie
might otherwise elicit. Sometimes this can be mitigated by
watching the film together with a trusted, compassionate per-
son and in a safe environment, perhaps at home.

Halwas caught in his logical thinking mode about his job
decision. He needed to step back, open up to another dimen-
sion of his psyche, his intuition and inner wisdom. This way it
became easier for him to make his decision. Some relate this
inner knowing to the right hemisphere of the brain. Others just
refer to it as making a decision from the gut. Most of us can
process more information in the more relaxed and expansive
mental state that Hal experienced as a result of watching an
inspirational movie.
Elaine, Alice, and Hal each experienced a shift in their
awareness by watching a film. Previously, each had experi-
enced a buildup of tension when their effort to resolve their
problems by thinking about them did not work. All three
changed from an active, perhaps even obsessive thinking mode
to a more receptive inner stance as they watched the movies.
An unknown author said, “Our pain is a measure of our
resistance to life as it is unfolding. Sometimes that pain is a call
to action. Sometimes it is a call to prayer. Sometimes it is a call
to surrender.” If we hit a wall as we try hard to fix a problem
by thinking intensely about it, we need to admit to ourselves
that our logical mind is not always the most useful tool. In such
a case we might benefit from adopting a more passive, recep-

“The creation of
something new is not
accomplished by the
intellect but by the play
instinct acting from
necessity. The creative
mind plays with the object
it loves.”
Carl Gustav

How Movies Support Healing and Transformation 25
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