Birgit Wolz - E-Motion Picture Magic-A Movie Lover\'s Guide to Healing and Transformation

(BlackTrush) #1
capacities, inner wisdom, or your higher self as
you watched the film or immediately after?
 Did anything in this movie touch you? The fact
that a character or a scene moved you might
indicate that your subconscious mind is
revealing information that might guide you
toward healing and wholeness. Dreams have
the same capacity. What might this guiding
“message” be?

As you examine your reaction to the film, try to avoid
focusing on the artistic merits of the film or even the story.
Usually when we discuss films, it is with respect to their enter-
tainment value; the most prevalent example of film analyses
are those written or told to us by professional film critics, but
their focus is usually on the film and the filmmakers. In E-
Motion Picture Magic, it is you, the film viewer, who should
remain at the center of attention.
If some of the guidelines in the exercise turn out to be use-
ful, you might consider adapting them to scenes in your real
life after you have practiced in “reel” life. These guidelines are
intended to help you become a better observer. As observing
helps you to step back, the bigger picture becomes more obvi-
ous. Such practice will help you learn to understand yourself
and others more deeply in the big “movie” of your life and to
see yourself and the world more objectively.

Watching Movies With Conscious Awareness 55
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