Birgit Wolz - E-Motion Picture Magic-A Movie Lover\'s Guide to Healing and Transformation

(BlackTrush) #1

  1. I am too challenged by (fill in the blank) to live a happy

  2. I am not capable of coping with the hard choices in my life.

  3. I will never be able to heal.

  4. My situation is too overwhelming; I will never get a han-
    dle on it.

  5. I cannot let go of my guilt.

Negative beliefs that keep you from
feeling fulfilled in your life:

  1. I cannot stand up for what I believe.

  2. I am not capable of “feeling my fear and doing it anyway.”

  3. I am not capable of pursuing my dreams.

  4. I will never be able to realize my passion in life.

  5. I will never be able to redeem myself of a major mistake I

  6. My life is worthless.

Negative beliefs that keep you from
developing healthy relationships:
14.I will be devastated and unable to recover if my
partner/spouse and I separate.

  1. I will never be able to overcome my anger at (fill in the

  2. I could never forgive if my partner/spouse cheated on me.

  3. I cannot make my relationship work because we are too

  4. My relationships will never change for the better.

  5. Something is wrong with me as long as I am single.

  6. I am not capable of confronting or getting away from
    people who treated me badly.

Developing Healthy Self-Esteem

  1. I cannot accept myself because I am too different.

76 E-Motion Picture Magic

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