Birgit Wolz - E-Motion Picture Magic-A Movie Lover\'s Guide to Healing and Transformation

(BlackTrush) #1
Viewing Suggestion: Watch Conrad struggling with his
survivor guilt after his brother died in their boating accident.
He finally overcomes his guilt when he is able to truly feel his
grief and despair and to acknowledge that he might have been
stronger than his brother.
Bounce (2000)
Adman Buddy thinks he’s doing Greg a favor by swapping
tickets with him during a long weather delay at the airport.
Greg needs to get home so he can be with his son; meanwhile,
Buddy has a lovely and available woman to keep him occupied
while waiting for the next flight. But Greg’s plane crashes, all
aboard are killed, and Buddy’s agency is charged with smooth-
ing over the airline’s public relations fiasco. In trying to make
up for his guilt, he hunts down Greg’s wife and son and tries to
help them, but fails to tell them who he is. Meanwhile, he falls
in love with both of them. Torn between his love and his
increasing guilt, he is working up the courage to tell them who
he is when they find out on their own and send him packing.
After succumbing to alcoholism, losing his job, and working
through rehab, he begins life with a fresh outlook.
Viewing Suggestion:Watch as Buddy’s guilt grows and
threatens to ruin his life but is finally overcome by his humility
and willingness to heal.
Courage Under Fire (1996)
Army Colonel Nathaniel Serling is racked by guilt over a Gulf
War incident in which he directed a tank to destroy what later
turned out to be another American tank. An investigation
excused him, but his guilt is driving him to drink too much and
to push away his wife and family. Meanwhile, he’s charged
with investigating a proposed Medal of Honor award — the
first to be given to a woman. But as he proceeds with his inves-
tigation into the battlefield conduct of the female helicopter
captain, he begins to suspect that the story has been fabricated,
possibly for political purposes. Meanwhile, he comes under
heavy pressure from the White House to ignore his doubts.

84 E-Motion Picture Magic

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