Birgit Wolz - E-Motion Picture Magic-A Movie Lover\'s Guide to Healing and Transformation

(BlackTrush) #1

Viewing Suggestion:Watch as Serling heals himself by
daring to face the truth about the captain’s story and his own

Exercise: Remember a time in your life when you
were able to let go of feelings of guilt. Imagine how
you would feel, if you were free of this guilt now.

Feeling Unfulfilled

  1. I cannot stand up for what I believe.

Fried Green Tomatoes (1991)

Idgie Threadgoode goes her own way. She wears pants, a tie,
cuts her hair short, and has a crush on Ruth — all in the deep
south town of Whistle Stop, Georgia, sometime in the early
post-WWII era. Ruth is married to a violent, drunken lout, a
racist redneck. The two women open the Whistle Stop Café,
and insist on serving Big George, a black man whose mother
raised Idgie. When Ruth’s abusive husband disappears, the
local KKK decides to blame the “uppity” Big George.
Meanwhile, a Ms. Threadgoode is retelling all this, plus the
story of the trial, in flashback mode from the present day. She
lives in a nursing home and is visited regularly by Evelyn,
dowdy, unhappy, and dripping with low self-esteem. The story,
and its telling, has powerful curative affects on Evelyn, who
learns to stand up for herself.
Viewing Suggestion:Watch how Ruth and Idgie stand up
for what they believe and Evelyn learns from them how to fol-
low suit, thereby gaining the courage to deal with her life’s

Erin Brockovich (2000)

Sometimes, the world gets rough and you have to fight back.
Based on a true story, divorced, single mother-of-three Erin
will not take no for an answer when, desperate for a job, she
insists her affable but ineffectual personal injury lawyer give

“Men are not free when
they are doing just what
they like. Men are only
free when they are doing
what the deepest self likes.
And there is getting down
to the deepest self. It
takes some diving.”
D. H. Lawrence

Negative Belief Index 85
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