reliability/validity 79–80
security screening 84
pornography, and sex offenders 174
prison environment 133–134
physical 134
social 134–138
prison/imprisonment 132–149
bullying/victimization 135–138
coping strategies 141–142
female prisoners 144–146
life imprisonment 146–148
Listeners Scheme 143–144
psychological health 138–139
self-harm and suicide 139–140
social support 143–144
see alsorehabilitation of offenders
Private Security Industry Act (2001) 49
Probation (Community
Rehabilitation) Order 182
profiling seeoffender profiling
psychological profiling seeoffender
punishment and offenders 116–131
attitudes and beliefs 119–121
capital punishment 126–127
cross-cultural punishment 125–127
due process 119–120
historical aspects 116–119
Islamic punishments 127
modern punishment 128–130
philosophy of punishment
vigilantism 119–125
inappropriate 63–64
leading questions 62
open questions 62, 66
questioning in court 65–67
videotaping (children) 60–61
vocabulary 65–66
see alsointerviewing
rape trials 109–110
abuse as children 174
stranger rapists 21
vigilantism (India) 123–124
see alsosex offenders
reality monitoring, detecting
deception 75–76
reasonable doubt, California Judicial
Code Instructions 111
reconciliation 128–129
rehabilitation of offenders 150–167
assessment of offenders 157–158
debate 152–154
evidence-based practice 154–157
Correctional Services
Accreditation Panel (CSAP)
research 156–157
need principle 159–161
number 151
offending behaviour programmes
Aggression Replacement
Training (ART) 164–166
Crime Reduction Programme
(UK) 152
meta-analysis 153
Think First 162–164
responsivity principle 161–162
risk principle 159
research 13–14
rehabilitation of offenders 156–157
responsivity principle, rehabilitation
of offenders 161–162
restorative justice 128–129
retribution 117–118
Rigelgeographical profiling 22
rights under the law 102–103
risk principle, rehabilitation of
offenders 159
routine activities theory 20
Sarah’s Law campaign 171
security industry 48
security screening, use of polygraphs
self-harm 139–140
sex offenders 168–188
causes of sexual offending 172–175
index 193
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