The Origins of Music: Preface - Preface

(Amelia) #1
dimensions of the oral chamber must be estimated and correlations
made with intact anatomy.Here we use maximum palate length and
internal palate breadth.These measurements are taken from standard-
ized points on the hard palate and are fully comparable among various
species.Chimpanzees are used to represent the primitive condition
where modern speech sounds,especially consonants,are lacking.The
human sample includes a large collection of European specimens
ranging from modern Homo sapiensto fossils dating around 400,000
years before the present.We also included early Homoand Australop-
ithecusspecimens from Africa as examples of what must have been the
hominid ancestral condition.
Figures 14.6 and 14.7 review the relative palate dimensions at the first
and third molars.In both positions,average chimpanzee dimensions
show that the length of the palate is about twice the breadth,whereas in
humans the length is just slightly greater than the breadth.Chimpanzees
and humans have means that are significantly different,and overall dif-
ferences are so great that ranges do not overlap.As in Duchin’s study,
these plots show that apes have consistently longer,narrower palates
than modern humans.
For the hominid fossil record,all Neanderthals fall totally within the
human range,whereas most earlier fossils from Europe and Africa have
much narrower,longer palates,often falling completely outside the

229 Fossil Evidence for the Origin of Speech Sounds

Figure 14.5
Palatal views of a chimpanzee (left) and early Homo(right,cast of WT-15,000,the
Nariokotome boy).Typically,upper jaws of chimpanzees are more rectangular,whereas
humans have more square palates.

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