2.Aurignacian finds,among them a bone point with split base in layers
2 or 3 under the flowstone crust.The age of layer 2 was assessed by the
radiocarbon method at c.35,000 years (Nelson 1997),which corresponds
well with the radiocarbon age of Aurignacian sites on the southern side
of the Alps (Broglio 1996–1997) and in Europe in general (Allsworth-
Jones 1986;Broglio 1996–1997).
3.Global cryoturbation of the complex of layers 2 to 5 is linked with the
cold peak of the last Glacial (Pleniglacial II) before c.20,000 years,or
with its anaphase.Soil in the region of the cave and in the cave itself up
to 20m inside the entrance was then deeply frozen,because of which
gelifluction occurred.
4.Deeply cemented upper part of layer 8 in compact breccia.This event
can reliably be linked to the pronounced interstadial in the Inter-
pleniglacial of the last Glacial.The cementing has been radiocarbon
dated to an interval from c.43,000 to c.45,000 years (Nelson 1997).It is
therefore older than the Hengello interstadial,during which transition
from middle to Upper Paleolithic began in eastern and central Europe
(Allsworth-Jones 1986).This fact is important,since the flute from Divje
babe I was found in this breccia.
5.Local cryoturbation of layer 16 and the upper part of layer 17 is linked
with the glacial peak at c.65,000 years (Pleniglacial I),when the soil in
the area of the cave entrance was permanently frozen.The local event is
temporally fixed by dating of the lower part of layer 17 by uranium series
at c.83,000 years (Ku 1997) and preliminarily by electron spin resonance
(esr) from c.77,000 to c.96,000 years (Lau et al.1997:table 4),and layer
13 by the radiocarbon method to an average 47,000 years (Nelson 1997).^2
6.Results of pollen and charcoal analyses show that frigoriphilic vege-
tation predominated in the upper layers up to and including the upper
part of layer 17,and only in the deeper layers mezophilic vegetation
(Sˇercelj and Culiberg 1991).Charcoal in all layers belongs predominantly
to conifers with the exception of some layers immediately below the
surface, in which charcoal broadleaf species greatly predominate
(Culiberg and Sˇercelj 1997).From layer 18 downward,sediments are
locally and,in layer 20,globally cemented into loosely bound breccia.
Layer 20 also contains pieces of flowstone.Altogether it indicates an
explicitly warm phase (interstadial) in the context of the early Glacial,
which is also confirmed by the following dating of layer 20:one with the
aid of uranium series to c.80,000 years (Ku 1997) and two radiocarbon
datings at more than 53,000 or 54,000 years (Nelson 1997).^3
The find of the suspected flute originates from the cemented part of
layer 8.So its stratigraphic location and age,both relative and absolute,
238 Drago Kunej and Ivan Turk