The Origins of Music: Preface - Preface

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scholarship at the time,and be seen for the truly seminal contribution it has made to musi-
cology,and especially to the type of universalist thinking that evolutionary musicology is
once again trying to revive.
3.Unfortunately,we have not been able to track down this 1852 reference to Wagner.
4.Consider the following quotation by George List (1971):“...the only universal aspect
of music seems to be that most people make it.And that is about the only universal
involved.I could provide pages of examples of the non-universality of music.This is hardly
worth the trouble.Every ethnomusicologist could do the same....since we are unlikely to
ever find the universals.”
5.For an excellent French-language review of the musical archeology of the Upper
Paleolithic,see Dauvois (1994).


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