The Origins of Music: Preface - Preface

(Amelia) #1
as we can ask them about it and discuss their feelings with them.When
it comes to animals,however,we have no access to their inner feelings,
so that the question can only be a matter of speculation (Slater in press).


This chapter is based in part on ideas about song repertoires and about
the relationship between animal sounds and music that I developed
elsewhere (e.g.,chapter 8 in Catchpole and Slater 1995;Slater in press).
However,it also gained enormously from the novel interdisciplinary per-
spective provided by the first Florentine Workshop in Biomusicology.I
am very grateful to the Institute of Biomusicology for arranging this,and
to Nils Wallin and Björn Merker in particular for inviting me to it.


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