Planning Capital Cities

(Barré) #1

Hristo Ganchev, Grigor Doytchinov

17 confer: Аврамов (Avramov), 1987, 10.
18 The Nara Document of Authenticity is drafted at the Conference in relation to the World
Heritage Convention, held at Nara, Japan, November 1994 in cooperation with UNESCO,
ICCROM and ICOMOS: 13. Depending on the nature of the cultural heritage, its cultural
context, and its evolution through time, authenticity judgements may be linked to the
worth of a great variety of sources of information. Aspects of the sources may include
form and design, materials and substance, use and function, traditions and techniques, lo-
cation and setting, and spirit and feeling, and other internal and external factors. The use
of these sources permits elaboration of the specific artistic, historic, social, and scientific
dimensions of the cultural heritage being examined.
19 The topographic surveying of the country starts during the Russian-Turkish War and is
completed by Russian military engineers, 1883. Confer: Аврамов (Avramov), 1987, 10
20 The decree consists of 74 articles and regulates in four chapters the diverse aspects of the
21 The nomination of the princes Alexander Joseph von Battenberg (1857-1893) and later
on of Ferdinand Maximilian Karl Leopold Maria von Sachsen, Cobourg und Gotha (1861-
1948 ) is indicative for the geopolitical orientation of the country and explains the predo-
minant number of experts from Central Europe practicing in Bulgaria.
22 Between 1878 and 1918 four wars are carried on, two monarchs abdicate and 29 govern-
ments change.
23 confer: Höpken, W.: Stadt und Zivilgesellschaft in Südosteuropa: Anmerkungen aus histori-
scher Perspektive, in: Sterbling, A. (Ed.): Zivilgesellschaftliche Entwicklungen in Südosteu-
ropa, Otto Sagner München 2009, 112-157.
24 confer: Heppner, H.: Hauptstädte in Südosteuropa, Böhlau Wien 1994, 22.
25 confer: Doytchinov, G.: Städtebau in Bulgarien vom 10. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert, in: Bohn,
T./M.-J. Calic (Ed.): Urbanisierung und Stadtentwicklung in Südosteuropa, Otto Sagner
München 2010, 185-196.
26 The town of Stara Zagora is burned down by the Turkish army on July 19th 1877. Just 1089
of the former 4500 buildings are over and just 10650 from the former 25460 inhabitants
survive. The author of the plan is Lubor Bayer, an architectural technician of Czech origin.
Confer: Димов, Л: Първите пионери по планирането на градовете, in: Годишник
Национален политехнически музей 11/1981, 147–160 (Dimov, L.: The first pioneers in
urban planning, in: National Polytechnical Museum 11/1981, 147-160).
27 confer: Аврамов (Avramov), 1987.
28 The town of Plovdiv is the interim capital of the province of Eastern Rumelia. The author
of the first plan, 1896, is Josef Vaclav Sniter (1852-1914), an architect of Czech origin.
29 Sofia is nominated by the Great Parliament for Capital City of the Principality of Bulgaria
on March 22nd 1878. Confer: Димов (Dimov): 1981, 147–160.
30 On the eve of the Liberation the town occupies 2.8 sq. km, but only 75% is built up. By
evidence of church books before the Liberation the Bulgarians in the city are about 6000.
The first census in the Principality of Bulgaria is carried on December 31st 1880. Accord-
ing to it Sofia has 20 501 inhabitants, of whom those born in the city itself are 11 395.
According to the same census the biggest city of the Principality in 1880 is Ruse, with 26
167 inhabitants. If we take into consideration the than Eastern Rumelia, the largest city
according to the census of December 31st 1884 is Plovdiv, with 33 442 inhabitants. The
next census is carried out on December 31st 1887. In spite of almost ten years, Sofia has
33 032 inhabitants, still has 2000 citizens less then Plovdiv. According to the third census
of December 31st 1892, Sofia already holds first place with 46 593 inhabitants.
Confer: Geshev, G./P. Slaveykov/H. Ganev: Urbanised territories, in: Popov, 2001, 83 and
Hristov, E.: Demographic development, in: Popov, 2001, 78.
31 Sofia’s regulation starts with Decree No 124 of the Town Governor from March 9th 1878.
The Governor, Staff-Captain Pauli is appointed by the Russian Military Command.
32 The first topographic picture is by the Russian military topographer Komenski. According
to Avramov the cadaster is prepared by Amadier, Mishel and Sheks. Zheleva-Martins men-
tions in opposite Prosek to be the first ordered with the cadaster. Amadier, Roubal and
Prosek are experts of Austrian resp. Czech origin.
33 The technicians are the Austrians brothers Johann, Wilhelm and Ludwig Bartel, and the
drawer Joseph Oberbauer (1853-1926). The drawings of Oberbauer are of historic impor-
tance as documentations of the initial spatial and architectural situation, totally lost in the
course of the urban modernization.
34 The cadastral map documents, that the new orthogonal street system is realized in a short
term, while the replacement of the inherited chaotic buildings from the Ottoman period

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