Planning Capital Cities

(Barré) #1
Sofia before World War II: urban design as a cultural implication

by new ones is behind time.
35 confer: Николова, Ж.: Един уникален план, in: София, град в полите на Витоша,
Municipality of Sofia, II 2001, 14-17 (Nikolova, J.: A unique plan, in: Sofia, a city in the feet
of Vitosha, Municipality of Sofia, II 1001, 14-17).
36 confer: Николова, Ж. (Nikolova), 2001.
37 confer: Geshev, G./P. Slaveykov/H. Ganev, 2001, 83.
38 confer: Doytchinov, G.: Die Verwirklichung des Ringstraßensystems in Sofia, in: Berichte
zur Raumforschung und Raumplanung, 33 1-2 1989, 26-34.
39 confer: Wurzer, R.: Planung und Verwirklichung der Ringstraßenzone in Wien, Institut für
Baukunst, Denkmalpflege und Kunstgeschichte Vienna 1986, 65.
40 confer: Дойчинов (Doytchinov), 1989.
41 confer: Аврамов (Avramov), 1987.
42 Sitte, C.: Der Städtebau nach seinen künstlerischen Grundsätzen, Carl Graeser Vienna 1901.
43 Sitte’s principles of the artistic urbanism are the keynote in the three winning competition
projects for the Cathedral Place Alexander-Nevski, 1904. The contribution of the architect
Kiril Marichkov expresses best Sitte’s influence.
44 Ганчев, Х.: Улиците и площадите на София. Планово и обемно – пространстве-
но проучване, КК-НИПК София 1983. (Ganchev, H.: The streets and places of Sofia. A
research on the plans and spaces, KK NIPK Sofia 1983).
45 The mineral water spring is the fundamental factor for the establishing of the ancient
46 The „golden section“, dependences defined by C. Sitte and H. Martens, the method of the
similar rectangles. Confer: Ганчев, Х.: Теоретико–методологични изводи за рекон-
струкцията на улиците и площадите на София, (Ganchev, H.: Theoretical and meth-
odological insights for the reconstruction of the streets and places of Sofia), Dissertation,
University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Sofia, 1991, 55-57.
47 confer: The Charter for the Conservation of Historic Towns and Urban Areas, adopted
by the ICOMOS General Assembly 1987 (Washington Charter): All urban communities,
whether they have developed gradually over time or have been created deliberately, are
an expression of the diversity of societies throughout history.
48 Geshev, 2001, 84.
49 ib., 87.
50 In 1934 the population enumerate 287 096 people and the urbanized territory is 29,9 sq. km.
51 Ivan Ivanov, engineer and mayor of Sofia, 1934-1944.
52 The architects applying are Henry Prost, Jean Royer and Alfred Agash (France), Hermann
Jansen, Paul Bonatz and Adolf Mussman (Germany) and Marcello Piacentini (Italy).
53 Adolf Mussman (1880-1956) is professor of urbanism at the Dresden Polytechnics and di-
rector of the German Institute of Urbanism. He graduates in architecture in Munich, 1904,
and is author of the regulation plans for Bremen, Düsseldorf, Breslau (Wroclaw), Zagreb,
the resort Mondorf in Luxemburg and for parts of Leipzig.
54 There is the opinion that the decision is taken due to the pro-German orientation of the
country. The fact that the dominant part of the Bulgarian architects and engineers have
graduated in Germany is of importance too.
55 The plan is presented to the municipal council in the end of 1937 and approved with
Decree from April 12th 1938.
56 Zheleva-Martins, D./Y. Furkov: Town planning evolution (1878-1938), in: Popov, 2001, 472-474.
57 ib., 473.
58 ib., 474.

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