Planning Capital Cities

(Barré) #1

Fig. 7
Systematization sketch, 1971.
Published in Arhitectura,

development, with a very different attitude than what he would exhibit towards
the end of his rule. For instance, when planning the next housing ensembles
with 13.000 apartments to be built in Bucharest in the 1966-1980 interval, he
was shown^14 two variants of placement and required demolitions. He chose
the solution with the least demolitions. On the same occasion Ceauşescu was
shown the next propositions for the systematization sketch for Bucharest, out
of which he chose the 7th variant, which used less land, intensively completed
existing ensembles both in the center and the periphery and developed the
northern part of the city.

Studies and sketches (1966, 1970/1971)

“Proiect Bucureşti” always seemed involved in designing a new sketch for the
development of the town. Though the systematization sketch was envisioned
for a period of 10-15 years, every few years the development principles were
questioned and the emphasis switched between the different themes: city
center, industry and the city, housing etc. In 1966 the main topic was the city
center, not only regarding Bucharest, but all Romanian towns, with a new
interest in urban renovation and heritage preservation.

Bucharest’s urban planning instruments during the communist regime:
systematization sketches, plans, projects and interventions
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