Planning Capital Cities

(Barré) #1

Miruna Stroe

1 See the chapters written by Sebestyen, Udrea, Duda.
2 The Romanian Urban Planners Society was established in 1929.
3 See Udrea Andreea, Calotă Irina, Getting Global, Staying Local. The Turmoil of the First
Steps towards Scientific Urban Planning - The Case of Cincinat Sfințescu in Studies in Histo-
ry and Theory of Architecture, vol. 2 (2014), 34-51.
4 See Lascu, Nicolae: Legislație şi dezvoltare urbană. Bucureşti 1831-1952. Teză de doctorat
[Urban Development and Legislation. Bucharest 1831-1952. PhD Dissertation], „Ion Min-
cu” Architecture Institute, 1997.
5 Ib., 116.
6 Ib., 156.
7 The state owned Design Institute responsible with projects concerning Bucharest, created
in 1952.
8 Caster, Mircea, Proiect de peste o jumătate de veac pentru Bucureşti. 1953-2008, Proiect
Bucureş ti, 2008, 15.
9 Planul de sistematizare al Capitalei [The Systematization Plan of the Capital], Dossier no.
19/1951, C.C. al P.C.R. fund [Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party Fund],
Economic section, Romanian National Archives.
10 Decision no. 2448/1952 in Dossier no. 55/1952, C.C. al P.C.R. fund [Central Committee of
the Romanian Communist Party Fund], Economic section, Romanian National Archives.
11 It is interesting to note that a more detailed description of these directives was sent to
the soviet counselor on architectural matters I.A. Zvezdin and it returned annotated on 9
November 1952. The decision no. 2448 was promulgated on 13 November. The descripti-
on is abundant in comparisons between Bucharest and Moscow.
12 The Decision of the Ministry Council from 20 November 1959, in Arhitectura R.P.R., no.
1/1960, p.4.
13 The name Calea Griviței comes form the railroad workshops in the vicinity, where an
important strike of the leftist workers took place in 1933. Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej was
involved in it.
14 The discussion on this matter is found in Dossier no. 145/1965, C.C. al P.C.R. fund [Central
Committee of the Romanian Communist Party Fund], Chancellery, Romanian National
15 The inquiry was conducted by: arch. Mircea Lupu, Șerban Popescu-Criveanu, Paul
Stănescu, Dumitru Guarnieri, Mariana Dumitrescu. See «Centrul actual al Municipiului
Bucureş ti» in Arhitectura, no. 4/1973, p. 104-109.
16 “Studiul de delimitare a zonei istorice a oraşului Bucureşti” [Research on the Demarcation
of the Center of Bucharest], Arhitectura, no. 6/1977, p. 38-47.
17 Decree no. 57/1978, regarding the establishment and functioning of the Commission for
Architecture and Systematization of Bucharest.

  • Stroe Miruna: Locuirea între proiect şi decizie politică. România 1954-
    1966. PhD Dissertation, “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and
    Urbanism, Bucharest, 2012.

  • Udrea Andreea, Calotă Irina: Getting Global, Staying Local. The Turmoil
    of the First Steps towards Scientific Urban Planning - The Case of Cincinat
    Sfințescu in Studies in History and Theory of Architecture, vol. 2 (2014),

  • Zahariade, Ana Maria: Arhitectura românească în proiectul comunist.
    România 1944-1989, Simetria, Bucharest, 2011.

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