Planning Capital Cities

(Barré) #1

A The theoretical background

Cities and regions need to attract the development “players”^1 for achieving a
better position in the global hierarchy of cities. Harvey^2 describes the situation
as a transition from managerial to entrepreneurial activities of the cities and
regions with the intent to find new forms of competitive capitalism. Under
these conditions the marketing and its tools become important part of the
developmental strategies, serving the promotion and placing of the city’s
potentials in the global economies.

The city branding represents a segment of the strategic marketing that aims
to promote the image of the city, its products and tourism, and to attract the
investments. Thus, the place marketing grows to a key urban development
aspect.^3 It could be seen on the other side as a social process that achieves the
needs and desires of the people by the creation and exchange of products and
values.^4 This research focuses on the spatial domain and the elements of the
urban environment that could contribute to the image creation.

The competitive identity of the city

The product branding concept is accepted and applicated by companies,
destinations, and more recently by places, cities and regions.^5 One of the causes
is seen in the expanding of the market of places and their culture, reputation,
services and investments on a global level. This creates a competitive arena
for the cities in order to attract the visitors, investors and future citizens
who tend to find a harmonious place where various aspects of the benefits,
economic development and political stability can meet their individual needs
and requirements.^6

Milena Vukmirović

Belgrade: The quest for the desired city image

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